Alamein Booth
Date: Oct 2018
Location: HACE Expo
Concept Developer: Alia Sabry
Designer: Alia Sabry
HACE is a three-day international hotel supplies and catering equipment exhibition organized by the Egyptian Group for Marketing. As a regular exhibitor at HACE, Alamein decided to hire a designer to curate the booth to not only display Alamein’s exceptional quality, but also to highlight Alamein’s unique philosophy as an organization.

Having a booth that stands out in this particular expo hall is challenging due to the amount of visual and noise pollution caused by the poorly designed spaces, the bright colours used in carpet floors, and the haphazard arrangement of exhibitors’ booths. Alamein did not want to be a continuation of this clutter but rather a space where noise is completely absent. A place where clients could come in, sit down, relax, and forget about the noise outside for a bit.
We therefore decided to take them to the silent outdoors many might be most familiar with; the Egyptian deserts. We simulated a desert experience to give them a glimpse of solace and tranquility. The layout was designed to be used as much as seen so that people could spend time inside, however, the ones who decided to get playful were also offered the opportunity to try out and test Alamein’s climbing gyms.
The furniture was finished and built with lighter wood (even though Alamein offers a wider range of wood types and finishings) to create harmony between the various pieces and the exhibited floors. The layout of the booth did not aim to display the whole range but to rather showcase the adaptability and complimentary traits of Alamein’s various products.